Friday, June 14, 2013

DNA in Criminal Investigations

Every person has a unique set of DNA that was inherited from their mother and father and identifies who they are.  The only exception to that rule is identical twins.  In a crime scene DNA can be collected and using analytical techniques be matched with a suspect to determine if they were present there.  In the past twenty years, technology has become so advanced that DNA testing has evolved also.  There are basically four tests used today; STRs, PCR, RFLP, and mtDNA.  Some have been used for a while and others are fairly new.  How do they compare to one another and how are they different?  How do analysts use these tests to solve crimes, and does finding DNA at a crime scene impact the whole criminal process?
     We inherit half of our DNA from our father and half from our mother, and that makes up the blueprint for our looks. 
Imagine that you have a pool of 13 potential suspects (stars) implicated in a crime.  Using STR analysis, you discover that 6 of the potential suspects have the THO1 genotype of 6-3, which is a genotype found at the scene of the crime.  The other 7 samples have a different genotype at the TH01 locus.  So, in the analysis of this one allele, you were able to exclude 7 suspects. (Strausbaugh, nd, p. 14).
STR (short random repeats) are short sequences of base pairs that repeat end to end, like a train.  "Although these sequences occur in everyone's DNA, the number of times they repeat vary between individuals" (Platt, 2003, p. 60).  To determine uniqueness of the STR, they are counted and separated for analysis.  "STR is one of the newer and more flexible techniques; it has the advantage of being able to analyze degraded and broken pieces of DNA" (Sapp, nd, p. 3). 
     PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a process to artificially increase DNA for analysis.  This is useful, for example; if one drop of blood is found, using this process will give the technician enough DNA to effectively analyze.  The problem with PCR testing is that the possibility of contamination is greater within the crime scene, and the lab doing the testing. 
     One of the earliest tests for DNA testing is the RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism).  (Sapp, nd, p. 3).  This test, however, requires that large amounts of un-degraded DNA be analyzed.  Because of the huge amounts in order to test, it is rarely used today.  Also, in order for the test to be effective, samples should be fresh and clean, which can pose a challenge as crime scenes are generally messy. 
     Afore mentioned tests use nuclear DNA, an alternative is to use mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) which is a form of DNA not involving the nucleus of a cell.  "Unlike nuclear DNA, where 50% is inherited from each parent, mitochondrial DNA is passed on intact from just the mother, which makes it ideal for tracing ancestry" (Platt, 2003, p. 63).  It also does not decay as quickly as nuclear DNA, and can be found years back from bone fragments.  This helps to identify victims that have decomposed. 
     The CODIS (combined DNA index system) is a database that stores DNA of people that have been convicted of serious, violent crimes such as rape and murder.  This allows law enforcement to cross reference a suspect if they commit another serious crime.  This system has helped to catch child predators. 
     How can DNA evidence solve crimes?  "DNA profiling is the use of molecular genetic methods to determine the exact genotype of a DNA sample to distinguish one human being from another" (Strausbaugh, nd).  It is now routinely used for investigations of crime scenes, disasters, and missing persons.  Imagine a crime scene where there is fresh blood, the DNA is extracted and the main suspect is an ex boyfriend, who claims he has not seen her in months.  However, the analyst team discovers that a DNA match was found on her shirt, that proves he was lying and the potential murderer.  Before DNA evidence became the preferred way to identify suspects, the forensic specialist had to link suspects to the crime scene the hard way.  "They often did this indirectly, for example showing that the muddy shoe found in the suspect's car had a shoe print identical to that left at the scene of a crime" (Strausbaugh, nd).  Finding evidence such as this can suggest that the suspect was at the crime scene, however it does not "prove" that they were there.  That's where DNA evidence can help; it links the suspect to the crime scene. 
     The turning point in solving most crimes today came when it was discovered that DNA testing could be used to determine who was at the crime scene and who was not.  Before that day, in the 1980's, fingerprints were most commonly used.  "Although conventional testing procedures had gone a long way toward narrowing the source of biological materials, individualization remained an elusive goal.  Now DNA typing has allowed forensic scientists to accomplish this goal" (Saferstein, 2011, p. 266).  STRs have been the forerunner for DNA typing, considering one only needs a small amount of a bodily fluid to test, since it uses the PCR to maximize the quantity.  What makes this invaluable to forensic scientists is that the more STRs they can characterize to one individual, the likelihood that they are the perpetrator is greater.  Other tests can be used; however most of them have limitations.  Also, STRs use modern technology that makes testing faster and easier, and with limited time to work with, this is gold.  

Platt, R. (2003). Crime scene: The ultimate guide to forensic science, DK Publishing, New York, New York, 10014
Saferstein, R. (2011). Criminalistics: An introduction to forensic science, 10th edition, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 07458
Sapp, B. (nd). DNA & typing, Retrieved December 17, 2011 from
Strausbaugh, L. Dr. (nd). Crime scene investigator PCR basics kit, Retrieved December 17, 2011 from

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